10 Ways to Stay Creative While Working From Home
Working from home is a dream come true for many people. You get to choose your own hours, spend more time with family or work in your pyjamas, if you want. But as awesome as working from home is, it can seriously affect your creativity at times.
Here are 10 ways to keep your creativity intact.
1. Take your work outside
If you’re feeling the walls of your office close in on you every time you try to concentrate, it may be time for a change of scenery. Consider taking your work outside in the fresh air. The hustle and bustle of your neighbourhood or even the quietness of it may be what you need to revive your creativity.
2. Get your hands dirty
If your work is starting to swim in front of your eyes, it may be your brain’s way of telling you to take a break. Spend some time doing something with your hands, other than moving your fingers over your keyboard. Cook a meal for yourself and your family. Draw something using crayons, paint or markers. Or take the time to weed and water your plants. Sometimes, doing something with your hands is just the boost your brain needs. Your creativity will thank you for it.
3. Work on a personal project
Nothing boosts creativity like working on a project you’re personally vested in, even if it is something like re-organising your office space. Nothing boosts creativity like passion. So start working on it. Your passion and enthusiasm for the project will take care of your creativity. Before long, you’ll be bursting with positive energy and ideas and you’ll will want to work again.
4. Exercise
Exercising is the one activity that is guaranteed to improve your overall mental wellbeing. So not only will your creativity be boosted, but you’ll feel more energetic, positive and healthier too. If you don’t exercise, it is definitely time to get moving. Anything that gets your body moving is a guaranteed way to boost creativity.
5. Stop and ask “What’s wrong?”
Stop doing whatever you’re doing and ask yourself why you’re not feeling creative. Is something stressing you or bothering you? Once you’ve pinpointed the problem, try and figure out how you can solve it.
Your problem may not be something that can be fixed immediately. But finding out what’s wrong and acknowledging that something is wrong may be all you need. You’ll find yourself feeling much “lighter” and you’ll be able to concentrate on your work too.
6. Meditate
Meditation is a great way to relax. Close your eyes and concentrate on your breathing. Inhale and feel the air move through your body. Exhale and imagine all your stress leaving your body.
7. Take a nap
Have you been going to bed on time? Getting enough sleep? Peaceful, uninterrupted sleep? If the answer is no to any of those questions, then a nap is in order. Your nap can be anywhere from 15 minutes to 2 hours. It really depends on the needs of your body and the time of the day. Your body will recover and your brain will be back to its fully functional creative self.
8. Collaborate
Sometimes we need help. If you’re unsure on how to proceed on a project or can’t come up with ideas, then seek help from a friend. Collaborate with another freelancer or even hire a consultant, if you can. Two pairs of eyes are always better than one and two brains bouncing ideas off each other can be just what you need to get back in the groove of things.
9. Create a virtual water cooler
Loneliness is a very common feeling among people who work from home. There may be times when an entire day has gone by without you uttering more than five words.
If you haven’t found yourself in good company in a while, then remedy the situation. Call a friend or a sibling and talk to them. This helps you create a virtual water cooler.
10. Laugh
Laughter boosts creativity. If you’re feeling stuck and uncreative, watch your favourite comedy movies and shows.
SOURCE: Hongkiat