5 Copywriting Tips for a Successful Blog
Blogging has become serious business. So starting a blog can give your website and business many added benefits. So why isn’t your blog bringing in all this traffic you heard it would?
As it turns out, a successful blog needs to have some key elements. But first, it’s important to decide what your blog’s goals are. A good blog will achieve these objectives:
- Be a line of communication to share timely and relevant info.
- Fuel your website’s SEO. Search engines love quality content.
- Grow your clientele and boost sales.
- Increase interaction and reach.
So, if you want to get the most out of your blog and create some really compelling copy, you’re going to want to adopt these 5 tips:
1. Provide value
If you compare any number of successful blogs, you’ll start to notice a pattern. They all provide value to the reader in some way.
In today’s fast-paced world, most people don’t have time to read something online that doesn’t give them a benefit or improve a certain aspect of their life. This may sound heavy, but don’t stress. A benefit doesn’t necessarily have to be something groundbreaking. It can be as simple as explaining how to properly sew back on a button.
No matter what the value, by writing content of this kind, you’ll start to notice that people will not only read your posts, but share them so that others can benefit. Suddenly, you’ve got more readers than you started with.
2. Use catchy headlines
Your blog’s headlines are the bait and tackle that are going to get your website visitors reading. Aim for headlines that are sure to generate interest but don’t give away the whole point of your blog post. You want to give a tempting bite, not offer up the whole meal in one go.
Using numbers in your headlines is a great way to do this. Take this very blog post as an example: “5 Copywriting Tips for a Successful Blog”. Numbers are easy to comprehend and add a sense of expectancy that readers respond well to. It’s a trend that doesn’t look like it’s going anywhere anytime soon.
3. Be honest
You have full control over your content, so don’t be tempted to misuse this power. There’s no need to stretch any kind of truth, create facts about topics that you’re not an authority on or ever use someone else’s words as your own.
Write about what you’re confident you know about and if you’re not 100% sure about something, either leave it out or do some thorough research. Doing your homework is a sure-fire way to get straight A’s in your readers’ eyes.
Stay true to your blog and your readers by sticking to the truth. Getting known for being a genuine, open book can be a very lucrative branding strategy.
4. Keep it short
Super long-winded, novel-like blogs are phasing out. Who has time to take a 2-hour break at work to read a post about a recent travel experience? The answer: not many.
So try to keep your posts on the shorter side and don’t spend too long on a subject because your readers are likely to lose interest.
Your writing should be scannable. This is a huge draw for your online audience. Get your point across and do it as concisely as possible. If you’re looking for a number, try to keep your blog posts under the 700 word mark.
5. Add relevant links
Relevant links help readers get additional info on a topic that you’ve already written about or someone else has. This provides value for your readers and keeps your blog posts shorter and easier to read. After all, why write something you’ve already written about all over again?
It doesn’t hurt that Google spiders love blogs that link to other blogs or relevant websites. Just be sure, when a reader clicks on the link you’ve set up, it opens in another tab. Do this so that the reader isn’t directed away from your website.