5 Easy SEO Tips to Boost Your Website in Under an Hour
You’ve just created an awesome website. So what you need to do now is bring people to it. For your website to come up high on search engines, like Google and Bing, you need to understand a little bit about the world of search engine optimisation (SEO).
While many shy away from this topic, it’s actually not the scary monster many make it out to be. With so many websites on the web today, there is no way to guarantee that your website will rank first on Google. Nevertheless, there are plenty of simple things you can do to increase your website’s chances of ranking real well. Give us just an hour’s time (or less!) and we’ll show you some tricks of the trade.
1. Choose the right domain name
Before your website goes live, you need to select a domain name. This is the address that visitors will type in to find your website. Like the giant sign above a storefront window, it’s one of the first things visitors see when they come to your website. That’s why it’s also the first place Google looks to understand what your website is about and decide how to rank it.
The ideal domain will include your business name and perhaps a keyword or two that are relevant to your business. For example, if you are a contractor, you might want to purchase a domain name like www.yournameconstruction.com.
2. Create titles and descriptions for each page
Did you know that you can write a unique title and description for each page on your website? These are brief texts that accurately and clearly describe what your business does, ideally with a few keywords and phrases mixed in.
Ever hovered over a tab on your browser? That short phrase that pops up under your mouse is the title of the page. While the description is not visible, it too is very important for search engines. In fact, the title and description are among the first things Google uses to determine your site’s rank.
Plus, once your website does show up in a search results page, web surfers will read your title and description to learn what your website is about and decide whether or not to check it out.
3. Use anchor text
As you write the text for your website, consider where you can use anchor text within your website. Anchor text is simply text that visitors can click on to be taken directly to another web page, either on your website or anywhere on the internet.
Effective anchor text should be used to help users navigate your website and find what they are looking for. It should also include keywords and phrases related to what you do.
For example, if you own a shoe store, the words “Check out our selection of children’s shoes” on your homepage can link via anchor text to your online store that is stocked full of children’s shoes.
Anchor text is a great way to boost your SEO, but keep in mind that excessive linking or anchors that don’t really help your readers can raise red flags with Google.
4. Add alt text to all your images
Search engines are great at reading text on your website, but they still haven’t quite figured out how to look at the images on your website. To understand what’s displayed in a photo or graphic, search engines look for alt text, a concise written description (just a few words) about each image on a website.
When writing alt text, be sure to accurately describe what is shown in the image, but also try to include the name of your business or a few keywords related to what you do.
Pro tip
You don’t need to write alt text for images that are purely functional or design related, such as a background image that is just shapes. If the image doesn’t have anything to do with the topic of your website, you can skip the alt text.
5. Connect your website to your social channels
Did you know that your Facebook page has an impact on how you rank on Google? In fact, being present and active on any social media site, from X and Instagram to Facebook and LinkedIn, is an essential part of boosting your SEO.
When you create your website, make sure to include prominent icons for each of your social networks, linking directly to your profile on each site. You also want to make it easy for your visitors to share the content on your website.
You can add a share button to images on your websites or items in your online store. As users share your content, traffic to your website will increase and Google will take notice. Websites that generate a lot of social activity will come up more frequently in searches.
Even a single-page website can bring in new clients. All you need is: a) an irresistible background photo b) some basic info c) links to your social media channels. Need a professional looking website?