5 Must-Do Things Before Creating Your Business Website
Congratulations! You finally decided to take the plunge and create a business website. It’s important to stay focused on your mission and get everything you need for your website in advance.
Here’s a checklist to help you prepare for creating your business website.
1. Text
Text (or web copy) is the heart and backbone of your business website. It can attract clients when presented the right way or scare them off when it lacks focus or has typos. So pay lots of attention to what and how you write.
Think of an average reader. Don’t aim too high and use clear and accessible language that everyone can understand. Make it simple for visitors to know what you’re offering and why they should choose you. Most importantly, don’t overburden your visitors with long, “essay”-style texts. What people respond best to these days are strong images with short elegant descriptions.
An average business website consists of a homepage, an “About” or “Bio” page, “Portfolio” or “Products and Services” page and a “Contact” page. Make sure you have the text for all pages and consider whether your business requires additional or alternative pages.
2. Logo
Even a small business needs a logo. A logo conveys your brand values, tradition and business identity. If you’re not sure what your brand values are, think. Is your business all about fresh, modern, innovative products? Is it about offering the cheapest prices for services in your field? Maybe it’s all about tradition, privacy and confidentiality? Whatever your line of business is, make sure your logo represents you right.
3. Business name
Before choosing a name for your business, think about what your URL will look like. You don’t want a website that reads “franksfunkyamazingtshirts.com”. Short, clear names are easier to understand and look great online. Make sure you choose a name that is easy to spell and pronounce and that doesn’t have an unfortunate double meaning.
4. Images
A business website requires different images. Photos of your products, a portrait photo for the “About” or “Bio” section, a main photo for your homepage, etc. Since we’re living in the age of images, you need to choose them carefully and make sure they’re high resolution and of top quality.
Stock photo websites are a good source of good images, but you should use them as your last, and not first, resort. Strong, original photos have an appeal that no stock image can compete with.
5. Research
Spend a few hours online and explore other websites. Pay attention to things like images, text, ease-of-use, navigation, branding. Make a list of things you like and a list of things you should absolutely avoid.
Rimidesigns’ Business Starter Pack is designed to get you up and running as quickly as possible and is a great way to promote your business and services online. Includes: logo design, business card design and single page website.