5 Quick SEO Tips to Improve Your Ranking
Your website has been online for quite a while now, however you’re not happy with its ranking. You are asking yourself, “What you can do to rank on the first page of Google rather than the second one?” Or “How do I get from the bottom of page 1 to the top?” This is not as difficult as you may think. All you need to do is follow these simple SEO tips and implement them as good as possible. Then your ranking will improve almost by itself.
Here are 5 quick SEO tips to boost your website.
Tip 1: Internal links
A good internal link structure is one of the things that is most likely to be forgotten when it comes to ranking. However, a good internal linking is very important, as search engines can crawl websites with a good link structure better.
In addition, a good internal linking is a real ranking booster. But how internal links are set, is essential. A well-meant breadcrumb navigation falls too short.
How to set internal links
- Link subpages from as many subpages as possible.
- Link them from within the text. These links have more power than links from the navigation or footer.
- Link subpages with the link text you want the page to be found by. This is a clear signal for Google. And don’t forget the link title, as this is also important for Google.
An excellent example of setting internal links and achieving an impact is Wikipedia.
Tip 2: Improve your content
This sounds pretty banal but it’s important enough to take the risk of sounding trivial.
Imagine you are the one searching for something and encountering your website. What would you expect from it? Does it meet your expectations? Does it help you in solving a problem?
How to improve your content
- Check your content from different perspectives. Is it problem solving? Is there something about any potential case?
- Google your topics and pay attention to questions. Can your website answer these issues?
- Avoid deserts of text. Instead, jazz up your articles with pictures, graphics and videos.
Tip 3: Enhance the click rate in the search results
A good ranking will get you more clicks, right? If your website doesn’t have a good ranking yet but a striking number of clicks, this is a signal for Google: Your content must be relevant for the entered keyword. This results in a better ranking.
How to improve the click rate
- Rephrase titles and description. They should make users want more and practically “force” them to visit your website.
You could describe a problem and offer a solution. Keep in mind that your website should then meet these expectations. - Use special characters for titles or descriptions. This makes your entry stand out from the mass and attracts attention.
- You can also use Google Rich Snippets (also known as Rich Results ) to highlight your entry. Easy to use and applicable to almost every website are “feedbacks”.
Tip 4: Enhance interaction
Not only the click rates but also the bounce rate and the time spent on the website are relevant indicators.
As Google increasingly pays more attention to these indicators, you should optimise them. Both indicators can be improved by an increased interaction. This means nothing more than that a visitor browses through your website.
How to enhance interaction
There are certain things that increase the time spent on a website and reduce the bounce rate. It is imperative that these items are placed close to the article. They probably work best within the article. These simple things can have a significant effect:
- “More about the topic” button
- A video
- A picture gallery
- A survey
- Links to other articles
Tip 5: Fast loading performance
There are so many reasons to improve the loading performance of a website with the main one being the visitor of the website followed by Google.
The website performance is an official ranking indicator for Google. From an objective point of view, it is also a ranking indicator for visitors. The faster the information is loaded, the higher the chance that visitors browse subpages of your website and spend more time. This doesn’t go unnoticed by Google and improves your ranking.
If you follow these 5 easy tips, your Google ranking should improve immediately. Start implementing what really matters for SEO by setting internal links and checking your content.
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