5 Things to Consider Before Putting Your Business Online
You’ve probably had it drummed into your head a thousand times that having a website is the key to success. Despite this, there are still many businesses that have yet to develop any kind of online presence. Often it is a fear of the unknown, especially with older business owners who grew up in a non-internet dominated world. All too often, however, what puts business owners off is the thought of paying out big bucks to website developers.
So, if you are still considering whether to take your business online, here’s what you need to know.
1. Website hosting
You can’t build a website without having a space on the internet where it can live. Hosting companies are the equivalent of a car parking space. The right one is inexpensive and convenient, whereas the wrong one will cause you no end of grief.
There are dozens to choose from, so spend a bit of time reading reviews before you make a final decision.
2. Domain name
The right domain name is very important. Often you can pick up a free domain name with your hosting deal, so it is sensible to think about what yours needs are before you shop for hosting.
The ideal is if your domain name is a perfect match for your business name, as this will help your brand. But if you can’t do this, look for something that is very similar or at least suggestive of what your business does.
3. Content management system
A content management system (CMS) is the framework on which the website will hang. It is the equivalent of a virtual closet, where the garments are your content.
WordPress is the most popular, as it is very intuitive and easy to work with, but you may be offered a website builder package with your hosting provider.
4. Single-page or multi-page website
A single-page website is the simplest to create. It is exactly what it says, i.e. a single page, as opposed to a website with multiple pages all linked together. If all you need is a web brochure to give people a bit more information on your company and what it does, this should be fine.
However, if you want to put more time and effort into marketing your business online, a multi-page website is probably a better option.
5. DIY or outsource
It is not terribly difficult to build a simple website. Once you have a domain name and hosting sorted out, you should be able to create a small website using WordPress or similar.
There are plenty of tutorials out there to help get you started, but if you are struggling with time or you really don’t have a clue, consider hiring someone else to do the hard work for you.
SOURCE: Ecommerce Platforms
Even a single-page website can bring in new clients. All you need is: a) an irresistible background photo b) some basic info c) links to your social media channels. Need a professional looking website?