5 Tips to Achieve Minimalism in Your Web Design
Today’s online trend consists of a simple design that makes a website look attractive and appealing. This type of design is known as a minimalist one, which can be informative for every user who visits the website.
Below are 5 tips that can be used to create a minimalist website design.
Tip #1 – Minimal clutter and maximum focus
Many new websites focus on a mix of many things and they even cover the unimportant elements and information. This wrong approach in design occurs mainly with new designers, who want to show their skills by displaying many widgets and other things on the web page.
Instead, identify the things that every visitor would search for in a website and work on it to create a minimalist website.
Tip #2 – Stay on the upper fold
Many people tend not to scroll down the webpage to read its whole content. Visitors usually like to read the content on the first page and above the fold of the website.
Web designers can improve the overall effectiveness of a website by keeping all the main elements – the most needed call-to-action – above the fold of the web page. Reduce the height of the header by inserting the sign-up forms and the buttons above the first fold on your webpage.
Tip #3 – Bring down the page count
If you want your website to be an informative one, then you must bring down the page count, so that the visitor doesn’t get confused with the number of pages on your website. Too many webpages can mislead the visitors.
While writing down the content for a website, always write from your visitors’ point of view, so that you can stick to the point and write the main content short.
In addition, each paragraph of content should be no more than 5-6 lines, so that the visitors can read them quickly.
Tip %4 – Minimal colours for best quality
The most common mistake that many new designers make while creating a website is too many colours. The main key to create a quality design is to limit the colours on your website.
If you’re about to create a texture, then make use of the same colour in different shades. Making use of too many colours on a website can hurt the human eye and the visitors can easily get distracted.
Always choose 2 main colours that can be added everywhere on your website. If you want to introduce a third main colour, then you’ll distract the visitors’ eyes from reading the content on your website. Therefore, just choose different shades of the 2 main colours to create a minimalist website design.
Tip #5 – The 80/20 rule
The 80/20 rule can help you simplify the overall website design and pushes the focus on the main content of your website.
Identify the content on your website such that it focuses on the topic, so that the visitors can easily read the content without getting distracted.
SOURCE: Acodez
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