6 Blogging Tips for Beginners
Blogging offers a versatile platform to express yourself and connect with a global audience. Starting a blog can be both an exciting and daunting endeavour. As with any new venture, the initial steps can be overwhelming.
To help you navigate the early stages of your blogging journey, here are 6 blogging tips for beginners.
1. Stop trying to sound like someone else
So you’ve read a bunch of blog posts and now you want to share your thoughts about a topic you’re passionate about. The biggest mistake people make when they’re getting started is that they try to adopt someone else’s voice.
Knock that off immediately! Be yourself and write the way you speak.
2. Don’t get caught up in editing
The majority of bloggers were terrible when they started. You improve as you go. Blogging is like any other skill — you need to practice to get better.
3. Stop stalling and hit publish
Don’t get so far into your own head that you chicken out. Just hit publish. Worst case scenario, you can just edit the post after you publish it. If you’re still a little freaked out by editing, just read your post out loud to yourself.
When you edit your own work on a screen, you tend to read what you meant, not what you actually wrote. Reading a piece out loud will help you identify a crazy number of things you don’t notice when you’re trying to edit on screen.
4. Don’t get discouraged and quit
If you don’t end up with a huge following after your first post, don’t get discouraged and quit. Gaining a readership takes time. Folks don’t end up with a large audience immediately after their first blog post. Just keep writing.
5. Don’t obsess about what people are going to think
How often do you remember the name and face of a person whose article you read? If the person blogs regularly and you love their style, or the type of content they publish, you may.
But think of the hundreds of other articles you’ve read. Do you remember every name and every face? Unless you have a photographic memory, then probably not. So don’t panic. If your first articles are rough, it’s okay.
6. If you get trolled, don’t respond
You know those people who are just unbelievably obnoxious? The best blogging advice is to completely ignore the trolls. Don’t even bother to engage with them.
There’s a huge difference between constructive feedback and a person with no life who surfs around looking for people to harass and pick fights with. They live to fight with people they don’t know while hiding behind a screen. So rise above by ignoring them completely. They’ll eventually get bored and go away. They’re pathetic, and you’re not. You win. Keep moving.
SOURCE: InVision