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Rimidesigns Short On Time

6 Great Ways to Create Web Content When You’re Short on Time

Taking the time to update your website can be tough when you can’t seem to find an open hour to convince the world around you to stop moving and just get it done.

As if that wasn’t enough, coming up with ideas alone for new creative web content can sometimes take up the whole hour you’ve set aside.

Well here are 6 great ways to get you inspired and creating new content in no time.

1. Get inspiration from blogs you love

Let’s be clear! We are in no way saying you should plagiarise or copy/paste anything out there, but there’s no harm in writing a blog post that was inspired by someone else’s idea.

So if you find an idea you think is relevant, go with it. Just be sure to put your own spin on it and keep it short and sweet. Don’t feel guilty that it’s shorter than most of your content. Just make sure it’s interesting and simply leave out the fluff. Sometimes this can even be a refreshing change of pace.

2. Utilise strong images or video

Keep your text short by placing the emphasis on a bold image or fun video that can get the conversation started. But steer clear of stock images. They aren’t very likely to impress and they certainly won’t create a buzz.

3. Add in some social

Bring the social aspect into your website and let the content on your social channels do some of the work for you!

If you’re active on any social networks, you can harness their content and place it directly on your website by adding live feed apps. We suggest going with an app for a social channel you’re most active on.

4. Come up with a “How-to” guide

Sometimes the services you provide or even things you do on a daily basis can seem easier to you than they are for others. But you might be surprised to find how many people will appreciate a simple and clear walk-through guide on tasks that you never considered as tricky. These can be anything from sewing on a button to making the perfect 3 egg omelette, or how to retouch pics with Photoshop.

Whatever you’re good at, share the knowledge! It’s a fantastic way to get known as someone who’s happy to help by sharing info which can’t be bad for your brand.

5. Go the testimonial route

If you have some happy customers or people who have worked with you, whose two cents about your business will leave you in a flattering light, there’s no shame in asking them to put their kind word in print. Not only is this content mostly fueled by someone that isn’t yourself, but it’s an amazing way to strengthen your reputation as a business and fortify your brand.

6. Make a “round”

Whatever makes up your niche – fashion, food, photography, baby products, etc. – collect all the latest news items or products and put them all into a fun little list. Give descriptions for each item and your take on them or review. Before you know it, you’ve created killer content in the form of a round! These have become extremely popular and you may just find yourself making them part of your content’s monthly rotation.


6 Great Ways to Create Web Content When You Are Short on Time

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