6 Reasons Why You Are Losing Twitter Followers
Losing a Twitter follower can prove quite the dent in morale. Whatever did you do wrong? If you’re losing followers more often than you’d like, then you might want to check whether you’re carrying out some of the following inadvisable social network practices.
1. A lack of activity
Are you a regular tweeter or is your account stale and inactive? If the answer is the latter, then you could leave yourself exposed to being unfollowed.
People are always looking to add value to their Twitter feed and if you don’t contribute sufficiently then there is no reason why they ought to keep following you.
2. Too much activity
On the other hand, too much tweeting – or spamming as it could be labelled – is equally as off putting to an online user.
If someone’s timeline is inundated with tweets from the same person, then it’s likely to grate on them very quickly.
Yes, these first two points rather contradict each other but the overall message is to strike a balance between the two extremes.
3. Overly abusive or aggressive
Are you someone who likes to vent their frustrations about everyday occurrences over a social network medium? Well, perhaps Twitter is not your best avenue. Without realising, you could be antagonising a whole lot of people. Be opinionated, be interesting but refrain from being overly aggressive with your views.
4. Insignificant or unrelated tweets
In the majority of cases, Twitter users tend to follow people who share similar interests to their own. Therefore, if the context of your tweets is unrelated to the portrayal of your profile, then you may begin to disillusion your followers with your output.
5. You don’t follow back
Many Twitter users will decide to follow someone with the hope of receiving a follow in return. If they you don’t reciprocate, then they may decide to unfollow you fairly shortly after following you, regardless of what you’re tweeting. There’s not a lot you can do about this, unless you follow everyone that follows you, which could significantly dilute your timeline.
6. Constantly self-promoting
Do you constantly try to promote an individual project, blog post or business? As with many types of tweets, this can only be done in moderation to avoid infuriating your followers.
Link dropping is another practice that generally isn’t accepted with open arms by social network gurus.
So how do I keep my followers?
Try to offer your followers something unique and valuable that is worthy of a place on their timeline. Be active, but not too active. Engage with people and encourage interaction. Last but not least, be nice and you’d be surprised how far it can take you.