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Why You Should Be Writing Clever and Funny Content for Your Website

One great way to leave a strong first impression on your website visitors is to make them smile. If they visit your website and are impressed with your clever and witty content, you already have them listening.

Clever web content gets more shares, likes and traffic. But how do you create it? Well, it turns out you can create clever and funny content without even trying. In fact, if one tries to be clever, it usually doesn’t work. You can’t fake witty, but if you can create something truthful and authentic, then you have the power to attract and entertain.

Another thing to remember is that funny and clever content needs to stay short. Short statements, short videos, short captions on photos, short everything. If you drag on too long, you lose your audience.

Important tip

Writing funny content for your website doesn’t mean that you need to fill up all your web pages with jokes.

Online platforms allow you to be clever in more subtle ways, like playing with the text on your navigation menu or adding a witty tagline to your website header.


Why You Should Be Writing Clever and Funny Content for Your Website

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