Inspiring Tips for When You’re in a Creative Rut
We’ve all been there. We’ve been working hard for days and all of a sudden it seems our creative juices are completely used up.
Here are some fun, fresh ways to get out of your creative rut.
1. Start a design journal
You never know when inspiration will strike you. Don’t let these ideas go to waste! Instead of trying to remember them, write or draw them down. Revisit these ideas later when you’re looking for ideas or where to get started.
2. Find inspiration around the internet
Inspiration is everywhere and, of course, the internet is certainly one of the easier and most extensive resources we have at our fingertips. It’s full of pictures to stimulate you visually and words to stimulate you mentally.
3. Check out other people’s work and portfolios
Sure, you must be creative and original to be a designer. However, all of the best artists have always been inspired by the work of others.
Checking out others’ work could provide you with some inspiration or give you the competitive edge you need to start working. Head to a local museum or gallery or browse portfolios online. Do remember though: ALWAYS keep your art original!
4. Get off the computer
How many hours of your day are spent looking at Facebook rather than being creative? Probably more than you would like to admit.
While the internet is amazing, it can often be a time zap if you’re already not working – not to mention distracting while you are working. So if you’re stuck, instead of clicking around, go outside, read a book, find something to put in that design journal of yours.
5. Use the “2-minute-rule” to stop procrastinating
Procrastination is one of the biggest deterrents to our success and creativity, more so than lack of ideas. But how do we get around this sticky situation?
Use the nifty “2-minute-rule”. Whenever you’re facing a task you find daunting in some way, simply think about a part that will take only 2 minutes. After all, who doesn’t have 2 minutes? You’ll either end up accomplishing your task in lots of small parts or you’ll get wrapped up and work longer than 2 minutes.
6. Do something physical
You’ve turned off the computer and it’s time to get active. Not only is this good for your muscles and bones, but it’s also great for your mind.
Exercising releases happy, natural chemicals in your brain called endorphins. These endorphins will not only elevate your mood but also increase your memory ability and your mental capacity. It will give you the extra energy you need to make a jump out of your rut and into a groove.
7. Go back to the beginning
If you’re stuck at a certain part of a project, you may realise you’ve been going down the wrong path. If you really can’t figure out where to go next, the next place to go is back to the start. You’ll be surprised by how many other new ideas you’ll have because even if you are starting from the beginning, you’ve learned a whole heck of a lot making your way back.
8. Get a little crazy
When your work is getting you down then it’s alright to stop, take a break and get a little crazy.
9. Look but don’t see
Maybe you’ve been thinking a little too hard. Instead of scouring your surroundings, looking desperately for the hidden inspiration, just let it wash over you. Without trying, something will eventually pop out at you. So give your brain and your eyes a bit of rest.
10. Listen to music
Whether you’re taking a break or listening while working, music has been proven to jumpstart our creativity. It keeps our minds active and interested in the task at hand.
It’s also possible to listen to music to get into a mood. It has been proven that music can shift our brainwaves and thereby shift our mental state.
11. Walk a mile in their shoes
You’re not getting good feedback on your designs, but did you ever think about what exactly that client is looking for? Consider your client, their company and target audience. Get out of your own mind and spark up new ideas.
12. Get together with your peers
Meeting up with friends in your field is a great way to bounce ideas off each other or just commiserate with someone who is going through the same thing as you. Soon enough, you’ll both have the inspiration to go back to the drawing board.
SOURCE: 99 Designs