5 Situations Where Positive Attitude Makes a Difference
What’s the difference between a successful freelancer and one who fails? Of course, there are many variables behind a successful freelancing career. Talent and skill definitely do count for something, as does providing good customer service. However, a key characteristic of many successful freelancers is their positive attitude.
A good attitude can help to carry you through a lot of tricky freelancing situations. The right attitude can keep you from giving up when freelancing gets tough.
Nevertheless, maintaining a good freelancing attitude isn’t always the easiest thing to do. A good attitude, however, can make a difference between freelancing success and freelancing failure.
Here are 5 situations where a positive attitude makes a difference.
1. Work isn’t coming in like it used to
Nearly every freelancer faces a work slowdown at one time or another. The reason could be the economy or it could be something you’re doing that needs to be changed. Whatever the cause, attitude is key.
At this point, a freelancer with a negative attitude may give up. They may feel sorry for themselves without doing anything. However, a positive, proactive freelancer will double their marketing efforts, while examining current practices to see if anything needs to change.
2. A client criticises your work
Dealing with criticism is an important freelancing skill because nearly every freelancer receives some criticism. How you deal with client criticism can make the difference between keeping a client (or at least keeping a client from badmouthing you to others) and losing one.
A negative freelancer may blow up when criticised. On the other hand, a positive freelancer won’t take criticism personally. Instead, they will seek to defuse the situation and (if possible) find out what the client really needs.
3. You’re hit with a sudden unexpected expense
Costly emergencies can and do happen. Freelancers are not exempt. When it happens, it can be an extremely stressful time. Keeping the right attitude throughout this crisis can make all of the difference.
If you don’t have an emergency fund, you can try to work something out with your creditor. Depending on the circumstances, you may be able to take on extra work temporarily or even a part-time job.
4. Your industry changes and you need new training
Let’s face it. You may have great skills right now, but most freelancers will constantly need to update their skills.
If you have the wrong attitude you may feel put out or uncomfortable about having to find training (especially if it’s expensive). If you have the right attitude, you’ll be excited about learning new things. Plus, you’ll look for creative ways to learn if you can’t afford the training
5. Your new project requires you to work on a team
You may think that you left teamwork behind when you started freelancing, but if you do think that freelancers never work on teams you’re wrong. A significant number of freelance projects require that the freelancer works as part of a team. As a freelancing team member, you’ll need to have a good attitude to mesh well with the rest of the project team.
As you can see, having a positive attitude generally pays off. But how can a freelancer get and keep a positive attitude? Well, nearly everyone slips into a negative attitude sometimes. But if you find your attitude is consistently bad you may need to take some steps to change it.
Here are some positive steps you can take to improve your attitude.
Choose to focus on the good
Nearly every day both positive and negative events occur. The events that you choose to dwell on will influence your attitude. Choose to focus on the good that happens each day.Make a conscious choice not to gripe
You may think that griping is making you feel better, but in some cases, it is just a form of dwelling on the negative. When something bad happens, deal with it and move on.Avoid complainers
If you surround yourself with negative people, you are much more likely to adopt a negative attitude yourself. Avoid spending too much time with individuals who complain excessively.Program your mind with positive materials
Do so by reading uplifting books and blogs.Take care of yourself
If you’re tired or sick, you may have more trouble maintaining a positive outlook. So, be sure to get enough rest and treat any possible symptoms of illness promptly.