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How to Make Your Small Business Look Big

Most small business owners want to create a big business or at the least make it look big! Regardless of how many employees they have or what their business does, there are a lot of things they can do to make their small business look bigger. This can help them compete with larger companies and go after high-end clients.

Here is a list of simple ways to make your small business look big.

A solid website

Design and develop a solid website. These days, everyone uses your website to judge who you are and what you do. The nicer the website, the better impression you make on potential customers.

Spend some good money and time to create a solid website for your business. Make sure your website outlines who you are, what you do and conveys the vision you want others to believe in. The better the website, the easier it is to make your small business stand out.

Phone lines

There are services that enable small business owners to create virtual phone systems for low prices. These virtual phone systems allow you to add multiple departments, create an automated message and do many other great things.

When customers call your business, they automatically picture a big office with many people. It’s a cost-effective and creative way to convince others that your business is a lot bigger than it really is.

Build credibility

Big businesses are big because people know they’re trustworthy. One of the quickest ways a small business can build credibility is through the press. Websites, like Mashable and thousands of other outlets, feature small businesses all the time. All you have to do is pitch your story to these outlets and see if they pick you up.

If you are featured on any of these outlets, use their logos on your website and/or any promotional material. When people see this, they automatically assume you’re a big business.

Brand, brand and brand

Big businesses know the process of growing their company. They know it so well that they were able to successfully become a big business by employing some of the strategies. Here’s the 3-step process.

  1. Market to your target audience

  2. Brand to your target audience

  3. Start focusing on sales

Big businesses have prospective customers come to them every single day. Why? They have done a great job of marketing and branding their business to their target audience. From there, the customers come to their door and it’s easy to start selling.

As a small business, there are many affordable ways to brand your business. Social media marketing, attending local events/conference and creating partnerships with other businesses in your area, are just a few of the many possibilities. It’s much easier to acquire customers who have already heard of you.

Office address

Believe it or not, a lot of people will try to see if a business has an office address or not before doing business with them. Office addresses signify an established business that has a team of employees working there. However, it’s easy to give people that impression without really having one.

Nowadays, you can purchase virtual offices (which don’t have the annoying PO Box address) for very affordable prices. Stick this address into Google Maps, your contact page and anywhere else. Now customers are immediately going to feel more comfortable doing business with you, just because they know you exist somewhere.

Social media

Before anything, create a social media account for your business on all the major social networking platforms. From there, add the social media buttons to your website or blog.

That though is just the beginning. Lots of customers snoop around the social media profiles of businesses to get a better idea of how big they are. So make sure your social media accounts are filled with consistent posts, a community of people and an appropriate profile that fits your brand.

SOURCE: Jeet Banerjee

Rimidesigns’ Business Starter Pack is designed to get you up and running as quickly as possible and is a great way to promote your business and services online. Includes: logo design, business card design and single page website.

How to Make Your Small Business Look Big

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