5 Online Steps to Attract More Clients to Your Business
To operate a profitable small business you not only need to have great products and services, but you also need to find the right clients who need your products and services. Clients who will choose to purchase from you rather than your competitors.
What’s the secret to attracting more clients more easily? Well, client attraction is really all about building relationships. As a general rule, people like to buy things from people they know, like and trust.
These days, with an abundance of information available online, consumers now like to use the internet to research product information and businesses before making a purchase decision. They are actively looking online for recommendations on what to buy and where or who to buy it from. So, thanks to the rapidly changing technology now available to us, a great place to build relationships and attract clients to your small business is online.
Here’s how to get started with online client attraction.
1. Define and understand your target market
Who is your ideal customer? How do they interact online? Do they like to use social media? Which community forums do they participate in? Once you know who your target market is and where they spend their time online, you’ll be able to reach them and engage with them.
2. Launch your website
If you want to build your business online, it is essential that you have an effective website. You need to ensure that your website can be found easily by the search engines with the right keywords and tags. The content on your website should be keyword-rich but be written in a conversational style with your target market in mind. And of course, your website needs to effectively portray your business brand and work hard to convert visitors into clients!
3. Get connected
Get involved with social media or community forums and start talking and building relationships online. Create a Facebook business page or use X to share ideas with like-minded followers.
Social media gives you the opportunity to give your business a “human” face, so share your personality and ideas through articles, videos or photos. It’s all about two-way conversations, so make the effort to interact with your fans and followers.
4. Build your database
Only a small percentage of people who visit your website will actually buy on their first visit, so don’t waste the opportunity when they land on your website.
Encourage your visitors to sign up for your database. Have a clear call-to-action and offer an incentive for people to sign up that is too good to refuse.
5. Add value and build trust
Once you have the above steps in place, you can really start to add leverage to your online business. By keeping in touch with your online contacts and by giving them information that is of value to them, they’ll get to know, like and ultimately trust you. Then when they are ready, ideally you’ll be the person they come to. Or they will recommend you to their friends and peers.