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Are You a Crappy Page Admin?

Most page owners like to think they run their page better than the rest. But the reality is, there are more bad page admins out there than good ones.

Below are 7 things a crappy fan page admin does.

1. Never responds to comments or posts

The general rule of thumb is to reply to every comment or post made on your page within 24 hours max – possibly longer on weekends. Any longer than 24 hours and your followers will be disappointed.

2. Only posts when they feel like it

Most page admins aren’t posting enough – and yet they still want to complain about having no engagement. Once your page goes “dead”, it’s super hard to bring its ranking back up again. So post at least once per day and vary the time each day until you find a sweet spot.

3. Never refers to their followers by name

Facebook by nature is a personal site. People are connecting their personal images and lives with our pages. If you want to really stand out and make your followers (potential customers) feel special, then use their first names when replying to them.

4. Only posts salesy stuff

You’ve seen these pages before. Every post is a sales pitch on their product with links directing you to buy from them. Although Facebook IS a marketing tool, if all you are doing is sending out links to your products and special offers, you’re going to lose engagement, fans and sales.

The ideal is to follow the 90/10 rule. This means 9 out of 10 posts on Facebook are information/education related posts. These could be content curated by your blog. The goal is to provide value to your followers. Once you’ve built up some rapport and trust, then you’ve earned the right to mention your products.

5. Only shares funny memes

It’s great to have a sense of humour on Facebook. But don’t fall into the habit of only posting memes and photos that have nothing to do with your business. Sure they might increase engagement, but do you want to be known as the page that shares memes all day long when your business is in real estate?

It’s ok and even good to share funny stuff from time to time and showing your company has a human side. But don’t make it your number one marketing tactic.

6. Goes all political on everyone

The worst part is when a Facebook business page decides to go all political on their followers. While a big business might be able to pull off talking about politics and avoid alienating their entire fan base, a small business cannot do that.

A few things happen when you start sharing your political beliefs on your business page. You get people who agree with you 100% but what about the rest of the followers that remain silent? They may not comment but instead they might choose to hide, unlike or ignore your page. Did you know that when someone hides a post – or your page as a whole – it’s considered a “negative story” to Facebook and decreases your ranking?

So keep those things to your personal profile if you so choose, but keep it separate from your business.

7. Never checks insights

In order to really understand what types of posts are working or not working, you MUST periodically check your page insights. By looking at them, you can quickly see if you’re better off posting at 9 am or 7 pm. Or Tuesdays versus Fridays. Check your page’s insight once or twice per month. But to really get the most out of insights, you should check them once a week.

So what kind of fan page admin are you?

SOURCE: Post Planner

Are You a Crappy Page Admin?

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