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10 Ways to Generate Fresh Content Ideas for Your Facebook Page

Can’t figure out what to post on your Facebook page? You’re not alone. Here are 10 ways to generate fresh content ideas for your Facebook page and to start posting awesome content again today.

1. Read other blogs

No matter what niche your in, there’s always someone else out there writing about your topic. So watch what’s trending and find a way to leverage the content or topic ideas for your page.

2. Answer a FAQ

Whether you’re running a page for a product or service — or one based around a topic — you can always find a frequently asked question people are asking and then post it on your page. You could either ask your fans to answer it or answer it yourself.

3. Record a video

People love videos — especially short videos that help answer a question. Remember, there are things you do without thinking that other people are struggling with. They need your help! Record a weekly 3-minute screencast video showing others how to do the activity.

4. Interview experts

One of the best ways to create content and drive traffic to your blog or website is to interview someone in your niche. You can also just record the audio and turn it into a podcast.

5. Ask questions

The most engaging types of posts are questions. People just love to offer their input! But keep your question short and easy to answer. If your followers can answer in 3 words or less, then you’re doing it right.

6. Share a post from leaders

Sharing a post from a niche-specific thought leader’s blog or fan page is a great way to:

  • show love to the thought leader
    acknowledge the importance of the niche

  • show your followers that you’re not just a broadcaster of your own content

7. Say “Thank You!”

Did you just hit a milestone in your like count? Or maybe you got a good review recently? Sometimes just saying “Thank you” to your fans is content enough. Not only does it give you something to post, but it also spreads good will to your followers. And hopefully they’ll return the favour by liking or commenting on your post.

8. Reshare an old blog post

Usually, Facebook pages tend to post a link to their blogpost once (right after they publish it) and then never post it again. If you only post your article once, then you’re missing all the followers who happened not to be on Facebook that day. So feel free to reshare your old posts. Just make sure it’s been a week or so before reposting.

9. Share a quote

People love to be inspired and they love to laugh. So share a quote from a known leader or comic.

10. Write a list post

People love lists, especially when they offer multiple ways to solve a problem. A word of advice though is to keep them short. Once you get above 10 items in the list, people tend to skim through your post and move on.

SOURCE: Post Planner

10 Ways to Generate Fresh Content Ideas for Your Facebook Page

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