Does Your Facebook Fan Count Actually Matter?
If you’re like most businesses, you want to get more likes on your Facebook page. But do you know why? Before you go bending over backwards to acquire new fans, ask yourself this. Do fan counts on Facebook pages even matter or could pursuing them be a waste of time and money?
Before we look at the benefits and misunderstandings of fan numbers, let’s review some basic info about Facebook fans.
- What exactly is a Facebook fan?
- Is it easy to reach fans, once you have them?
- Should you purchase fans?
1. What exactly is a Facebook fan?
What does it actually mean when someone becomes a fan of your page? What exactly is someone saying when they like your page?
Well, a page like is essentially the Facebook equivalent of an “intent to subscribe”, similar to an email opt-in or RSS subscription. So the number of fans a page has represents how many people it has the potential to communicate with — and eventually convert into readers, customers, ambassadors, etc.
So what you get when you increase your page’s fan count is increased potential.
2. Is it easy to reach fans, once you have them?
Facebook fans = marketing audience, right?
The most obvious reason to get Facebook fans is so you have people to promote your content to. When someone likes your page, they become a ready audience for your posts, don’t they? Well, maybe.
According to analytics data, most of your fans don’t see your content! In fact, the data shows that an average of only 2.2% of fans see your posts daily.
So, if the reason you want more fans is to spread your message, make sure you’re interpreting the numbers realistically. Unless you’re posting amazing content, only about 2 of each 100 fans will actually see what you post.
3. Should you purchase fans?
Is there a difference between purchased and genuine fans?
It’s a popular idea for brands to purchase fans in hopes of increasing the number of potential customers they can reach. But does it work?
Increasing numbers through purchasing likes may look good but will those people who like your page or posts even care about your brand? That’s doubtful.
Most experts agree that purchased fans aren’t worth the trouble. The fans aren’t legitimate fans and they probably won’t ever pay attention to you.
The benefits of big Facebook audiences
Obviously, though, there MUST be a reason that brands are trying to gain fans. What is it and what are the advantages of gaining a large Facebook audience? What will high numbers do for you?
Here’s a look:
Potential to convert
As mentioned above, Facebook fans are potential customers. So more fans mean more opportunity for sales.
Sharing potential
The beauty of Facebook is that every update you post has the potential to be shared across multiple users’ streams, easily and conveniently. And the more fans, the more possibility for viral reach. When a fan shares your status update, link or photo,they spread your message to new people.
SOURCE: Post Planner