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Rimidesigns Business Relationships

How to Build Business Relationships as a Solopreneur

Good communication is vital to business relationships and especially for the solopreneur, who is the voice and face of the company. It’s never been more important to forge strong relationships.

So how can you use your communication skills to build better business relationships? The following is a guide to being a good relationship builder.

1. Accept the symbiotic nature of business

Relationships are about give and take. If you’re hoping your empathetic listening skills pay off – good! There’s nothing wrong with wanting to be a good communicator to further your own goals. But it can’t be all about you. Some part of you must genuinely care when you ask someone, “How’s it going?” People are remarkably good at sniffing out insincerity.

Be warm and sincere in your interactions, but don’t feel guilty for wanting to benefit from those same attributes.

2. Be observant

Has someone ever said to you, “What’s the matter?” before you’ve uttered a word? This person was being observant. He noticed your less-than-cheery greeting or the slump in your shoulders.

Observation is inseparable from empathy. To put yourself in someone’s shoes, you first have to notice where they’re standing. Take note of the little details. If a client sounds stressed on the phone, offer to call back another time. People remember those who remember them.

3. Show your specific appreciation

We all know we should say, “Thank you”. But have you considered the value of being specific with your praise? It’s easy to email a perfunctory “thanks”, but that only adds to inbox clutter.

When you thank someone, say why you’re doing it. “Thank you for sending me that proposal on time.” “Thank you for providing excellent service. You’ve made my job easier.”

You’ll be amazed by the reaction. Most people aren’t used to receiving genuine and specific appreciation.

4. Treat everyone like a VIP

Why bow down to the boss and then bark at the barista? Being a good person means you treat everyone with respect, regardless of where you think they fall in the pecking order.

A final word

As a solopreneur, the right words will land you clients, speaking opportunities and social media engagement. You’ll also spend less time clarifying misunderstandings caused by poor communication.

Modern technology makes it difficult to be a good communicator. Resist the temptation to do everything from the palm of your hand. Turn the phone off and truly listen to people. Get on a stage and tell the story of your business. Send someone a handwritten note. Lift others through your words and deeds and watch your business soar.

How to Build Business Relationships as a Solopreneur

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