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Rimidesigns Email Mistakes

9 Mistakes That Make People Ignore Your Emails

Despite the rise of social media, instant messaging and all manner of apps, reports of email’s death have been greatly exaggerated. For most organisations, it’s the communication nervous system, yet that doesn’t mean we know how to use it well.

Experts agree that email gaffes and annoyances still plague the workplace. But you can improve your email game by following these steps.

Mistake #1: Emailing something that’s better expressed in person

Before you start dashing off your missive, stop for a few seconds. Are you writing something emotional or complicated? Is this is a topic that is likely to get heated? Then an email message probably isn’t the best way to communicate it. Since tone and inflection don’t translate well through email, you could be setting yourself up for failure.

Mistake #2: Using a vague or useless subject line

Don’t give people a reason to delete or ignore your email. Use your subject line to capture attention and be clear about the email topic. Tell the user up front what you’re purpose is, and if you were referred by someone, name-drop in the subject line. And if the substance of the message changes during some back-and-forth, change the subject line to reflect that.

Mistake #3: Copying too many people and hitting “Reply All”

It’s a good idea to establish some ground rules about who should respond to messages. Typically, a good rule of thumb is if you’re in the “To” line, feel free to answer. If you’re in the “CC” line, your response is not needed.

And while you’re at it, establish some ground rules for copying coworkers, since not everyone needs to be copied on every email. It just clogs up inboxes. That goes for replies too. Don’t use the “Reply All” button, unless it’s truly necessary. Also, feel free to write “No reply necessary” if you’re sending a message that doesn’t require one.

Mistake #4: Not using a salutation

If you’re the type to just dive into your message without the niceties of a “Hi Joe” or a “Good morning Mary”, you could be setting the wrong tone. You can drop it after the first exchange, but it sets a more congenial tone.

Mistake #5: Not double checking grammar and spelling

Yes, it really matters since 40 per cent of people find bad grammar to be their number one cold email pet peeve.

Sending an email message riddled with grammar and punctuation errors is disrespectful and people might take you less seriously, if you don’t present yourself well in writing.

Mistake #6: Burying the lead in a super long message

An email isn’t the place to write your manifesto. Keep it to a paragraph or two and don’t “bury the lead”. Make surer to keep the most important information up front.

If you have to make it longer, keep it to 3 or 4 points and use numbered lists or bullets for each point to make them easier to follow and address.

If you can’t cut it down, perhaps email isn’t the best vehicle for what you need to communicate.

Mistake #7: Not giving a specific action item

One of the last items before your sign off should be the action item or request. If you’re assigning responsibilities, do so. If you’re asking for someone to take action, be clear about it. Vagueness may render your email message useless.

Mistake #8: Not having a customised signature line

Have 4 or 5 email signatures crafted, so you can just choose the one that’s right for the situation. Be sure you have comprehensive contact information, including phone numbers, email addresses, X handles, and the like.

If you need to establish credibility with someone, use the version that has a few credentials, awards or honours. If you’re sending a message to a personal friend, you can be more informal. There aren’t hard and fast rules, but know that if you have 8 or 10 lines of copy, it’s likely not going to get read.

Mistake #9: Engaging in an endless back and forth

Once an exchange has gone beyond 3 or 4 messages and it’s still not going anywhere, or if it starts to get heated, pick up the phone or walk down the hall. It can take an average of 7 email messages to set up one meeting.

If you’re caught in such an exchange, just say: “Wow, this is getting complex. I’ll give you a call in 10 minutes.”

SOURCE: Fast Company

9 Mistakes That Make People Ignore Your Emails

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