7 Tips for Designing a Clean Yet Colourful Website
A clean website design does not have to be boring and a colourful website design does not have to be obnoxious and overwhelming. Interestingly, usually all a clean website needs to jazz it up are a few bright or bold colours, while an obnoxious website needs a clean redesign to go from overwhelming to simply colourful.
For these reasons, a clean, yet colourful, website is the perfect marriage. Together, these aspects create a stand-out design that creates a lasting impression and keeps visitors coming back for more.
Let’s think about this a moment. What does a clean design mean? Most can probably agree that a clean design is one that is consistent and streamlined so that every element is balanced, clear in its purpose and looks like it belongs in that exact spot and as a part of the whole design.
However, a clean design doesn’t have to be minimalist, which is why the colourful part works well in conjunction with a clean design. In fact, a clean design can even have animations, parallax and other extras.
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