These days, almost every business needs to create visual content. Producing regular content has become a key factor in maintaining a successful brand. Whether you write blogs, run a YouTube channek, chat to your customers on Facebook or do all of the above, producing regular content is instrumental to keeping your brand current, engaging and memorable.
But since so many people produce content every day, how are you meant to cut through the noise and make your content stand out? The answer: visual content.
Think about it. Everybody’s single status update looks the same. Sure, the interfaces change over different platforms but, at the end of the day, it’s all just black text on black backgrounds, so it’s all too easy to scroll right past key pieces of content, because nothing quite jumps out.
However, if you used a visual to communicate your message, used a bit of punchy type, a vibrant palette or eye-catching imagery, you have a much better chance of ensuring people will stop scrolling and have a good look.
Basically, you could have the best, most interesting and engaging written content and it could still get lost and ignored, because it looks the exact same as every other piece of content.
Visual content prevents this, though. Visual content gives you free reign to customise your message, use different techniques and mediums to get your message across.
Below are 10 types of visual content you can create right now to get that attention you and your brand deserve.