Delete Yourself From the Internet – The Easy Way
Deleting yourself from the Internet is hard work. First, you have to decide where exactly you want to disappear — from social media sites to retailer databases — and then you have to figure out how you’re going to do all that.
A new site called makes vanishing from the web much, much easier. Created by U.K.-based developer Robb Lewis, is a directory of urls that highlights links to pages you may want to remove yourself from, so you don’t have to jump through hoops to do so. This includes sites like Facebook, Foursquare, Dropbox and Feedly.
Some companies use “dark pattern” techniques, which makes it difficult and tenuous to delete accounts. This is meant to sway users from successfully completing the removal process. ranks each site’s process from “easy” to “impossible,” so you know what to expect ahead of time. For example, and the are rated “hard” to delete, while movie directory and PayPal are listed as “easy.” Sites such as Pinterest and Netflix are “impossible.”
The next time you want to call it quits with a site, visit and save yourself a headache.
SOURCE: Mashable