You’ve just registered your new domain name for your website and got your web hosting. To make your website, you’ve decided that the best option for you is to use
Chances are that your business has a logo, or at least an awesome name for which you are working to gain recognition every chance you get. You may already be
Finding the right calligraphy font for your needs can be a hard and arduous task. They are either too decorative and flashy for your simple designs or too simple and modern for
Among numerous content management systems, WordPress is the one that grabs the biggest piece of pie. It is a favourite choice whether you need to create a simple personal portfolio
Maintaining the relevance of your website is crucial. With new content constantly being produced and trends shifting rapidly, it’s essential to convey to your visitors that your website is not
When it comes to emulating analogue art mediums, there’s rarely a better option than Photoshop brushes. Brush sets are essentially collections of high resolution scans of real life brush strokes,
Without question, Photoshop is one of the most preferred and most favourite image editing software for graphic designers, digital painters and photographers alike. looks at 45 tips and tricks you can
Crafted in Switzerland, Smallpdf is a small team from a small country with big ambitions. Most other PDF software are complex and difficult to use. So, Smallpdf took on this problem head on and
For the month of July, Rimidesigns is offering 20% off graphic design services for logos, business cards & flyers. For a quote or more information, send an email to along with the quote “20%JULY”.
Smartphones have become an indispensable part of our daily lives, so the importance of optimising your website for mobile devices has only amplified. Here are 5 reasons why your website