When someone visits your website, sees your business card or follows you on social media, they are perceiving a lot about you and your business beyond your name and what
In a business networking, there is possibly no more important marketing material than a business card. A business card tells your potential clients about your business and this is your
You can create the most beautifully designed piece of work but if it’s printed on toilet paper, then your time and effort will be wasted. Okay! That’s quite an extreme
Many freelancers begin by undercharging for their work and then get stuck in an endless cycle of mediocre gigs. This is because when they’re just starting out, getting gigs is
In the beginning, WordPress was nothing more than a popular and easy-to-use blogging platform. Today it’s one of the most popular CMS ( content management system) available and has literally
A lot of freelance designers find themselves stuck in the same place, year after year, serving the same types of clients despite their desire to move on to bigger and
Love it or hate it, Photoshop continues to be the design software of choice for millions designers across the globe for a wide range of tasks, including photo editing, graphic
“You have to spend money to make money” – this has long been an understanding shared throughout the business community. While there’s certainly an amount of truth to it, there
The very term “business card” gives the impression that such cards are only for business. Not true! These days almost everyone has a card no matter their profession. Perhaps a
Until now, if you copied an photo from Google Images and put it on your website or blog and it was licensed by stock image library Getty, you would have
Facebook is constantly changing. In the world of tech, you either adapt and innovate or you die. Where does this leave businesses trying to market themselves on Facebook? And what’s