Blogging: 5 Ways to Drive More Traffic to Your Website
Starting a blog is no small task. Many bloggers who are just starting out tend to write only about their business or products and are often left wondering why their readership isn’t picking up steam.
Here are 5 ways to help you create a blog that reflects your point of view, builds your personal brand and organically drives more traffic to your website.
1. Leverage industry celebrities
A huge resource for your blog that you may not have tapped into yet is industry celebrities. These celebrities tend to be big influencers with large social followings to match. When you work with these figures, their popularity can help you boost your own and give you a boost as well in readership.
2. Discuss what’s trending
One of the easiest ways to find new readers and also tantalise your current audience is to write about what everyone’s already talking about. Get inspiration for your blog from the headlines and tie your posts to a current trend.
3. Blog the bloggers
Now that you’re a blogger, you’re part of a community comprised of fellow bloggers who are willing to help you – as long as you post great content.
If a successful blogger recommends your website or gives you a shout out, you gain access to their loyal audience who may check you out and start following you too.
But how do fellow bloggers find out about you in the first place? One sure way is to write about them first. But make sure your post about other bloggers is genuine because good bloggers can spot an attempt to ride their coat tails.
4. Make blogging a part of your routine
Even if it doesn’t seem like it at first, blogging is a lot of work and can quickly grow to be even more once you’ve found success. With researching current trends, reaching out to fellow bloggers and writing new, interesting content for your readers, how do you manage it all? The secret is making it a part of your routine.
5. Find your focus
Most bloggers for small businesses are not just the writer but the editor, publisher and the entire marketing department. With so many responsibilities, it’s easy to get distracted and overwhelmed. In the face of so much to do, grounding your blog can do wonders in terms of rescuing your focus.
Start by asking yourself: What do you want the blog to be about? What can your readers expect each time they visit the blog? Focused posts improve organic results for top search terms and build the brand.
Although it’s a lot of work, keeping a blog can be a very fruitful endeavour for your business. Just remember that inspiration and ideas for posts can come from anywhere. But above all, don’t miss an opportunity to turn every reader into a fan, and eventually into a potential customer.
SOURCE: Volusion