If you’ve ever had a rude client or one you couldn’t stand, then the following 5 red flags will probably sound very familiar to you. Run away as fast as you can!
Protecting Your Freelance Design Work From Copycats
The scariest part of online theft is that you often have no clue that someone has copied your ideas. Here are ways to protect your design work from copycats.
6 Steps to Attracting Higher Paying Clients
Attracting the right clients isn’t that difficult. Here are 6 actionable steps to take to start attracting higher paying clients for your freelance business.
3 Reasons Freelancers Fail
Contrary to what many people may think, most freelancers don’t fail for lack of skill or expertise. Most freelancers fail for these 3 primary reasons.
How to Start a Graphic Design Business
If you’ve decided to start your own graphic design business, then be ready to take on extra responsibilities. Here are some useful tips to help you get started.
8 Simple Ways to Impress Your Clients
All you need is the right attitude to impress your clients and make them fall in love with your service. Here are 8 simple ways to show clients you care.
The Expert Guide to Working From Home
Working from home seems like heaven, however there can be problems. Here is an expert guide to see if working from home could suit you.
4 Strategies to Charge More for Your Work
Convincing someone to pay you more for the same work you did at a lesser price is hard. Here are 4 strategies to charge more for your work.
How to Train Your Clients to Pay Promptly
The majority of freelancers have trouble getting paid but there is something you can do to help prevent payment problems from occurring in the first place.
7 Steps to Making Your Personal Brand One-Of-A-Kind
While there is no one true path to success when it comes to personal branding, there are some tried and true approaches that can help you get started.