Many small businesses may believe that print is dead! However, the truth is that print remains a vital component of a successful marketing strategy.
A Beginner’s Guide to Giclée Printing
Giclée printing has revolutionised the art world by allowing artists to produce high-quality prints that are virtually indistinguishable from the original artwork.
The Power of Print Media
Traditional print media might seem like a relic of the past, however, the power of print continues to play a crucial role in modern marketing.
The Art of Choosing the Right Print Paper
Choosing the right paper for your printed media can be tricky. Here are some of the things to keep in mind about the use of paper for your printed media production.
A Brief History of Lorem Ipsum Text
The nonsense words Lorem ipsum, the most frequently used Latin words in dummy text, have roots in a piece of classical Latin literature from 45 BC by Cicero.
Spot on With Spot UV
Looking for a distinctive look for your print materials? Spot UV printing is one of the most popular methods because of its versatility, impact and low cost.
Choosing the Right Paper for Your Next Print Job
The paper you choose for your print projects can influence how others perceive your brand So, is your brand aware of all the options available to you?
The 4 Ms of Print
There is a lot to consider when creating print marketing for your business. These are 4 Ms you should be focusing on when creating your next print project.
How Can My Business Use Variable Data Printing
Variable data printing — or personalised printing — offers customised, targeted encounters with potential customers, making it a powerful marketing option.
Why Small Businesses Should Use Personalised Letterheads
Personalised letterheads shouldn’t be reserved for the largest companies. In fact, even small businesses can benefit from personalised letterheads.