Choosing the Right Font for Your Business Logo
Font choice is an essential facet of logo design and one that should not be neglected. The right font can amplify the strengths of your business logo and your brand, while the wrong font can be a customer buzz-kill. But given the thousands of fonts available, how do you choose the perfect logo font for your brand?
Here are a few simple tips to help complete your winning business logo design.
1. Avoid the ordinary
Yes, your word processing package includes a selection of fonts. Problem is, so does everyone else’s. In today’s competitive marketing environment, you don’t want your brand to be just another poppy in the field. So think beyond what’s standard.
With the number of affordable font sites available, there’s little excuse not to explore. And since most sites let you preview each font, you can see how each would look before you buy.
2. Be timeless
Remember those disco fonts of the late ‘70s, the ones that looked like balloon animals? They were all the rage for a few years, then gone!
Keep in mind that your business logo has to endure design fads and so does your font. If it seems like everyone is suddenly using a certain font style, go with something else. Remember, you want your business logo to stand out. And while capitalising on the trendy might seem like a quick answer, you’ll likely regret it within a year.
3. No frills
Thin, fragile, flowery or swirly lettering is generally too delicate to reproduce at smaller sizes and will likely be lost to the viewer. So keep it simple and keep it strong.
4. Give it some space
When choosing a logo font, be mindful of the space between the characters (the kerning). Too much can make the logo seem airy and disjointed, while too little can make it seem cramped and uncomfortable. A good intuitive designer can ensure that you get the impact your logo deserves.
Your business logo is the face of your brand. It’s public contact number one. So choose wisely.
SOURCE: 99 Designs
A good logo should reflect the spirit of your brand. Need a professional looking logo for your business?