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Creating a Dreamy Glam Effect in Photoshop

1. Choose an image with some nice colourful details in it.

2. Duplicate the original image (ctrl + J)

3. Select the copy of the original image and then go to: Image-> Adjustment -> Desaturate

4. Now we would like to blur the desaturated layer. So go to: Filter -> Blur -> Gaussian blur and set the radius to around 7.

5. Set the opacity of the blurred layer to 70 per cent. This will give the image a soft effect. It also washes out the image and gives it a dream-like appearance.

6. Now we want to make some colours stand out. So we will add a mask to the blurred layer and hide the parts of the picture that we want to keep in the original colour. In this case, I chose the cupcake and the bottle with the sprinkles. After you add a mask to the layer, choose a brush, set the colour to black and brush over the parts you want to keep in the original colour.


Creating a Dreamy Glam Effect in Photoshop

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