Emoji Etiquette: Tips for Evolving Business Communication
Emojis are now part of our writing system — and not just for younger generations. More and more creative and marketing professionals need to figure out emoji etiquette.
Emojis can be extremely useful for conveying thoughts and feelings, especially via mobile devices, which is where they were first popularised. However, creative executives generally frown upon using emojis in a professional setting. Yet creative professionals can’t and shouldn’t discount emojis, especially when speaking and selling to Gen Z.
Here are some do’s and don’ts of emoji etiquette.
1. Do follow the other person’s lead
Mirroring is part of effective communication, which is a must-have soft skill in the workplace. By echoing the way others speak, you can establish greater trust and rapport. The ever-changing digital marketing landscape means emojis can be impactful.
If, for example, a follower of your company’s Instagram account uses emojis in a comment, consider responding in kind. Otherwise, stick to traditional emoji-free messaging and email etiquette.
2. Don’t use emojis in place of words
It’s tempting to rely on pictographs as shorthand, but good emoji etiquette requires placing them alongside words. Even seasoned emoji users can find the miniature symbols ambiguous at times, so don’t assume they’ll always be interpreted correctly. Remember, text provides context.
3. Do use emojis for a good reason
The key to good communication is to use the right word — or the right emoji — at the right time. When tempted to insert an emoji when composing an email or text message, ask yourself whether it adds value. Sometimes the answer is yes, such as when you need a smiley face to indicate a humorous tone. But avoid using them thoughtlessly.
4. Don’t forget emojis could have unintended consequences
Emojis are a living pictographic language and, as such, they are constantly evolving and gaining new meanings. In other words, many of them may have connotations you are unaware.
For example, a winky face, intended to convey a joking tone, could be misconstrued as flirtation. Always tread carefully.
Ultimately, all conversations about emoji etiquette boil down to the same basic rules: communicate clearly, concisely and in the manner best suited to the recipient.
Stick to these best practices, and it should be all happy faces and thumbs up.
SOURCE: HOW Design Live