How to Avoid Bad Clients
If you’re just starting out or are in a dry period, it’s tempting to take on every client who wants to work with you. That email in your inbox from a new prospect is so promising, so ripe with pecuniary possibilities, that you leap at the opportunity and start working as soon as possible, ready to show them how awesome you are and how willing you are to do everything they ask.
Not so fast! Are they the right fit for you? This is probably a bigger concern for every creative freelancer. How do you freelance for clients without compromising your creative vision? The answer is simple. Turn them down. Don’t take on clients who don’t like your unique style.
In the beginning, accept the right clients, build your portfolio slowly and more right clients will find you because of that portfolio.
Don’t generalise your talents. You’re not just “a writer” or “a designer.” You’re unique and your clients should want that unique vision only you have. That’s what, in the end, will make you successful.
The initial conversation you have with a prospective client can tell you a lot about their style of managing freelancers and contractors. It’s reasonable that they’re trying to get the most out of you, but if a prospective client seems to be under the impression that freelancers are always trying to exploit them and expect you to do a lot of extra work just to reassure them that you’re not, that’s a bad sign.
Get out while you can. Those kinds of clients are rarely the ones that respect freelancers enough to recommend you to new clients, anyway.
Google them
Sure, Google doesn’t tell you everything but a simple Google search before accepting a client save you a world of trouble. Google the company name. No hits? Don’t even respond – it’s probably a scam. They say they’re a “new company”? Be very careful. It’s more likely that new companies won’t be able to pay you on time.
Google the person who contacted you. Look at their LinkedIn profile. See how many connections they have and what recommendations they have. Can you learn anything about their personality? Do they have experience in your field?
Follow your gut
At the end of the day, your feelings are your best barometer for making judgements about a client. No amount of research or online stalking will ever replace the “Eh…this just doesn’t feel like a good fit.”
Most freelancers who get scammed or have a bad experience report that they doubted the client in the first place, though they couldn’t put their finger on exactly what it was that seemed suspicious.
SOURCE: Freelancers Union