How to Boost Visibility of Your Facebook Posts
The race for Facebook Likes and Shares is a serious challenge for every page admin. With over 30 billion posts uploaded to Facebook each month, the battle over users’ attention is fierce.
Big companies and brands spend many resources on their Facebook marketing efforts, but can small businesses also win Facebook without putting in the big bucks? The short answer is: Yes!
Below are a few valuable tips for getting more traction on Facebook for absolutely free.
Keep up to date with Facebook’s constant changes
The basics may have stayed the same, but as we all know, Facebook is famous for changing the rules quite frequently. As an active page owner on Facebook, you need to stay alert to changes and to adjust your content strategy accordingly.
By far, the most dramatic change Facebook made is minimising organic reach for brands. This means that only a small fraction of your fans actually get to see your page updates.
There are two main ways to manage this harsh reality: paying every once in a while to promote your most important posts and optimising your non-paid (organic) posts for best results.
Get your timing right
Posting fun, interesting and exciting content is great, but it won’t get you far if people aren’t actually around to see it. Make sure you know who your target audience is and then find out the hours when the highest number of your fans are online.
Experiment with post and content types
Depending on the type of Facebook page you run, you may find that some types of content generate greater interaction with your followers. Whether your audience responds best to artistic images, videos, links, questions, funny observations or memes is your responsibility to find out.
Experimentation is a crucial part of social media marketing. Try out different posts and compare the audience’s reaction to them. You’ll gain important insights that will allow you to optimise your content in the future.
Incite action
The number of Likes, Shares and Comments on your post determines how many people will be exposed to it. These interactions not only appear on the timeline of the people who engaged with your post, making them visible to all of their friends, but they also tell Facebook to rank your post highly and give it prominence on your followers’ timelines.
Don’t be afraid to ask people to like, share or tag their friends in your posts. If you provide them with great content they’ll be happy to do so.
Customise link posts
Your Facebook experience has probably already taught you that when you post a link, a default title, subtitle and thumbnail image appear. It’s worthwhile to invest extra time in optimising these, either with better captions or simply captions that are more interesting for your audience.
Also, you might want to choose a different image than the default one. Facebook will allow you to browse through all the visuals available on the link you posted, or even upload your own image. Go for the image that you think will best appeal to your page fans.
Hashtag wisely
Hashtags help contextualise your Facebook posts and make them available for search results. Adding hashtags to your post will increase the number of people outside your immediate circle of followers who actually get to see your content, especially if you’re using a hashtag that happens to trending.
The important thing here is moderation. Hashtags can be perceived as annoying and spammy when used too often.
Understand Facebook Insights
Improving your Facebook posts’ visibility requires keeping a closer look at their performance. The social network’s own built-in analytics tool – Facebook Insights – is the best place to start.
In order to get the most out of Insights, you’ll need to understand the lingo. Visit your page’s Insights tab and spend some time familiarising yourself with the various terms. It may not make sense right away, but soon enough you’ll be able to extract useful information on your posts’ performance and make the necessary adjustments.