How to Leave a Great Impression With Business Cards
Business cards are often one of the first tangible impressions that a potential client or business contact has of you and your business. It is safe to say that you should try to make this impression as unique and memorable positive experience as possible. But just how can you do this?
Here are a few tips to follow.
Proofread your business card
Typos and spelling mistakes on your business card can instantly discredit you and your business. Not quite the impression you want to leave with someone. To prevent this from happening, read your business card several times through before having it printed. Even get someone else to read over your card just to make certain.
Put your contact information on your business card
It can be incredibly frustrating to think you have someone’s contact information and then find that their business card has only their name, company name, and position in the company. Include all of your contact information on your business card and be sure to check the numbers and email addresses to make certain there are no errors.
Steer clear from clutter
Make sure that everything on your business card is needed: business logos, contact information and business information are all vital. Too much information will overload the brain and make your business card seem less valuable and memorable. You don’t want to be remembered for the headache that your business card gave your client.
Use high quality paper stock
This is something that is often overlooked, but the feel of a business card has a huge impact on your first impression. A heavy or thick business card demonstrates that professional quality is put into every aspect of your business. Flimsy business cards or cards with perforated edges are dead giveaways of inexperienced or cheap business people. Also, choose the type of paper carefully: gloss, matte and textured cards all send very different messages. So make sure it’s one that reflects your brand.
Now that these important things are out of the way, everything about your business card: the perfect spelling, clutter-free, handy contact information, will all make you memorable. You want to make certain that your business card screams quality and professionalism. Follow these tips and you will be sure to have just that.
SOURCE: Tiny Prints
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