One Simple Trick That Will Boost Your Website Conversions
Websites these days are taking hero images to the next level, embracing mega images that fill whole screens. Sites ranging from e-commerce stores to political sites, are all using this device. Huge images certainly deliver a visual impact, but that’s not why website owners love them. Mega images consistently deliver higher website conversion rates.
Whether it’s a website dealing exclusively in sales or one that’s just looking for sign ups and site visitor information, increased image sizes have been positively correlated with increased conversions.
Naturally, this has gotten the attention of big brands and e-commerce sites alike. It’s not about making things look cool, it’s a design decision aimed at making more money.
Make your images bigger
Marketers have known for several years that using images, particularly images of humans, gives a website a conversion rate boost. Some well-known brands are now starting to catch up to this reality. By using mega images, big brands are reasoning that they can improve the already good results of using high-quality images on their websites.
Today, mega images have a strong foothold in the design world and it’s not just because they look special or different. There’s some strong data to back up the claim that they boost website conversions.
Bigger is better
It’s an old cliché that clients always ask for their logo to be bigger, but trials by leading companies with huge research budgets demonstrate that when it comes to images, bigger is most definitely better.
To be sure, it’s not just a matter of aesthetics. When you blow up images to the size of mega images, you’re also ensuring that your website visitors get to explore every small detail of your product, announcement or testimonial. In this way, mega images are also very functional and practical, as they make it easy for website visitors to see exactly what they’re trying to buy or sign up to.
We’ve all shied away from large images since the rise of the mobile web. And the potential for slow download speeds, persuaded us to err on the side of caution. However, it’s clear that far from hindering a website, increasing image size actually improves conversions.
So, if you can make your images mega images, taking up as much of the screen as possible, then you will maximise your website conversions.
SOURCE: Webdesigner Depot
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