Sure Ways to Get More Blog Traffic
Want more traffic to your blog? Want it now? Contrary to what you may have heard, you don’t have to wait for weeks or months to do something about boosting blog traffic. In fact, many strategies can be implemented right now to bring in new hits.
Here are some tips aimed at boosting blog traffic.
Social sharing
Put social networks to work for you by maximising their ability to promote your blog posts. Here are some specific tips for doing so:
1. Share your blog posts on Facebook
Nobody wants to seem like a loudspeaker on social media but that doesn’t mean you shouldn’t promote your content on your Facebook page. People who follow you on Facebook expect you to share your links. In fact, liking your page might be the easiest way for them to keep up with your updates.
2. Tweet new blog posts
Make sure to tweet every new post that you publish. Type “New post:” followed by the headline of your blog post. Make sure that the whole tweet is around 280 characters. But if you want to obtain greater engagement, your tweet should contain between 71 and 100 characters.
3. Pin your images to Pinterest
Do you use your own images in your blog content? You should. Not only does this make your content more interesting, but it also gives you freedom to share images on social sites. Every time you publish a new blog post, share its images on Pinterest.
4. Call out new blog posts on Instagram
When you publish a new blog post, share a photo or screenshot that tells followers about it and link it to your blog post.
5. Share it on Mix
When you publish a new blog post, share it on Mix. This network pushes content to users, giving you an immediate burst of traffic.
6. Add sharing buttons to your website
Encourage your readers to promote your blog posts by making it incredibly easy for them. Add sharing buttons to your website that allow for one-click sharing.
7. Include links everywhere
Place links to your blog in your email signature, on your personal Facebook profile, on your LinkedIn profile, and so on. By sharing the link everywhere, you increase opportunities for others to find your website.
Relationship building
In today’s social-focused internet, relationships are more important than ever. Build meaningful connections and you set up your website for success.
8. Go where your audience is
If you’re a business blogger with a target audience of entrepreneurs, think of the places where entrepreneurs go online and get yourself noticed there. If big business sites host contests or ask for submissions, use those opportunities to put your face in front of potential contacts.
9. Leave meaningful comments on relevant blogs
If you’re a food blogger, part of building a community of readers is commenting on other food blogs. Don’t do this in an obviously self-promotional way (i.e. putting your link in your comment, asking readers or bloggers to check out your website). Rather, subtly promote your website by being an interesting, thoughtful commenter. Not only do you let the blogger know about your website, but you also get your name in front of your target audience.
10. Link to other bloggers
Post roundups of relevant links or stories, linking to the authors of those links and other bloggers. They often notice being linked to and this draws attention to your website.
11. Reach out to bloggers directly
Sometimes it’s helpful to reach out to bloggers directly to build connections. Find bloggers you relate to and admire, then send heartfelt notes to say hi. Those bloggers will often click through to your website. But more than that, they may become valuable connections in the blog world.
12. Always respond to comments
Part of building blog traffic is managing the blog traffic you already have. Treat your existing readers well by being responsive. Respond to every comment and make readers feel part of a conversation.
Blog habits
Practice these simple habits on a regular basis to send traffic soaring.
13. Blog every day
Regular blogging is a great way to build traffic. More content means more opportunities for readers to find you – not to mention search engines.
14. Use SEO keywords
Google has a handy keyword tool which helps you determine which keywords to target with your content. You enter words describing your subject matter and then the tool reveals related phrases to work into your copy.
15. Offer to guest blog for other sites
Find industry sites with decent traffic and apply to write a guest post. When you write elsewhere, it gives you new exposure and directs readers back to your website.
16. Enlist guest bloggers for your site
Finding guest bloggers for your own website is also beneficial in building traffic. Not only do guest bloggers keep your website fresh with new content, but also they often tell their friends and fans to check out their post, sending you new visitors.
17. Choose clear and compelling headings
When people search for content related to your subject area, you want to compel them to click your links. That is why headings are so important. Ensure every heading you choose clearly conveys its subject matter and make them interesting enough to draw interest.
18. Add an SEO plugin
If you have a WordPress site, add a plugin designed to boost search engine rankings.
Types of content
Wondering what kind of content helps boost traffic? Consider the following:
19. Solve a problem
Meet a need for readers and you become highly valuable. And when you’re a valued resource, readers share your content with others, bringing you new traffic.
20. Interview someone in your industry
Think about leaders in your industry or bloggers you admire. Could you interview someone and post the interaction on your blog? This is a great way to bring in new traffic.
21. Run a contest or giveaway
Host a promotional contest or giveaway on your blog and make sharing your content one of the ways to enter. This surefire strategy brings in large traffic numbers, expanding your reach.
22. Consider a series
Brainstorm a series of blog posts about a specific topic and plan out a schedule of posts that fit into the series. By building anticipation, themed content draws readers over time.
SOURCE: Post Planner