Your business card may be the first visual connection a client has to your business. You can’t afford to get it wrong because it can deflate your professional image.
Do I Need a Business Card?
Anybody owning their own business should have a business card. If you want to get a boost for your small business, you can rely on the power of a business card.
What You Should Include on Your Business Card
It can be difficult to decide just how much or how little information to put on your business card. Here are a few rules of thumb that you can safely go by.
Business Cards Aren’t Just for Business People
These days almost everyone has a business card no matter their profession. Here are a few examples of non-business people who use business cards daily.
How to Use Your Business Card as a Networking Tool
So just how should you use your business card as a networking tool? Here are a few tips and facts for you to consider while handing out business cards.