Your website is the place that hosts information about your business – what you do and what you sell – and the centrepiece for all of your marketing efforts.
Hourly Rate or Project Fee: What Makes Freelancers More Money?
There are two main ways to charge for your work: per hour or per project. Which method is more likely to be accepted by clients? Here’s which method is best.
How to Work Less Without Losing Income
Can freelancers have the lifestyle they want while still making the money they need? Sometimes we don’t need more, we need better.
How to Form Win-Win Partnerships With Other Freelancers
There’s only so much you can do as one person. If you form long-lasting partnerships with other freelancers you can expand your business network.
How to Take On Work You Can’t Do Yet
Faking it isn’t about tricking others into believing you can do something. It’s about tricking yourself into believing you can do it, as to push through your fear.
4 Benefits of Freelance Dry Spells
Sometimes the nature of freelancing means that you’re super busy for months and suddenly find yourself with no work. Here are 4 benefits of those freelance dry spells.
7 Reasons Why Designers Enjoy Freelancing
Venturing into a freelance business requires a lot of dedication and time management. Well here are 7 reasons why designers and artists enjoy freelancing.
6 Steps For Building a Loyal Following
Self promotion is a must for freelancers. Here are 6 valuable steps on how you can build a loyal following, find your niche and master self promotion like a pro.
How to Avoid Bad Clients
If you’re just starting out or are in a dry period, it’s tempting to take on every client who wants to work with you. But are they the right fit for you?
Why You Should Be Working With the Competition
For the first year of my freelancing career I’d follow other designers to get inspiration, but never thought that building connections with them could be beneficial.