When your website looks outdated you may wonder: Should I refresh or redesign it? Choosing the right one depends on your business goals, budget and timeline.
Website Refresh vs Redesign: Which One to Choose?

When your website looks outdated you may wonder: Should I refresh or redesign it? Choosing the right one depends on your business goals, budget and timeline.
Your business website might not represent your business as well as it once did. The information and design are outdated. The solution? Get a website redesign.
Analysing your redesign efforts with these five key areas will help you develop a cohesive plan and ensure your website redesign is a success.
Starting your business, you’re most likely eager to get your website live. But now that some time has passed, it’s time to re-evaluate your current website.
Redesigning your website is exciting, but how can you be sure that your new website will actually be better for your business than your current one is?
Despite your ambitious to-do list, you haven’t made a single update to your website. Here are 6 areas you can address to keep your website current and competitive.