The Colour Blue in Web Design
Blue is the only colour which maintains its own character in all its tones. It will always stay blue.
Definition of the colour blue
Blue is considered one of the additive primary colours. The English language commonly uses “blue” to refer to any colour from navy blue to cyan.
Why choose blue?
One of the most common colours chosen as a favourite, is the colour blue. It is favoured by both men and women of all ages. However, traditionally, men have a much stronger preference for blue than women. It may be the calming effect of the colour that makes it popular to both sexes. However, it could also be the association of some shades of blue with authority figures, as well as the correlation we place between intelligence and stability with the colour blue.
Blue conveys a subtle connotation of importance and confidence, without being overly serious, sombre or sinister. As such, blue power suits are popular with important corporate players and the colour most used for police uniforms. Blue’s long standing as a corporate colour, especially darker shades of blue, is associated with intelligence, stability, unity and conservatism.
Interestingly, some believe that blue slows a person’s metabolism rate and suppresses one’s appetite. As it does not require much effort on the eye to focus, images and objects recede in blue backgrounds. However, if overused, the colour blue can create a sense of detachment and coldness.
The colour blue is well suited to be used for websites involving and promoting technology, medical products, cleanliness, air, sky, water, sea and automotives.
Another interesting point is that blue is the favourite colour of more than half of the world’s population and the least disliked colour by most cultures.
The benefits of the colour blue
Blue is an overwhelmingly popular colour. Being the colour of the sea and sky, blue is seen as trustworthy, dependable and committed. We are surrounded by the colour blue, from the blue skies above to the deep blue of the oceans. As such, blue is a constant in our lives every day. The colour blue also symbolises qualities such as depth, stability, trust, loyalty, wisdom, confidence, intelligence, faith, truth, heaven, tranquillity, calmness and sincerity. Despite blue being a colour preferred by men, it is still the least “gender specific” colour, with its equal appeal to both men and women.
Blue can be used across a large variety of websites. It is also one of the preferred colours for corporate designs. As such, you’ll find it used quite often on big company websites. The communications and web industries use medium shades of blue because it can appear to be sleek and high-tech, especially when combined with shades of grey.
In general, lighter shades of blue are often used to promote health and wellness, travel and relaxation, while darker shades are often used by political and patriotic organisations, legal firms and sports teams.
As a collective colour, it invokes rest and can cause the body to produce chemicals that soothe and calm the senses. However, not all blues are serene and sedate. Electric or brilliant blues are dynamic and dramatic, and engaging colors that express exhilaration.
Peaceful, tranquil blue causes the body to produce calming chemicals, so it is often used in bedrooms. Blue can also be cold and depressing. Fashion consultants recommend wearing blue to job interviews because it symbolises loyalty. People are also said to be more productive in rooms with blue, as its main colour scheme. Interestingly, studies show weightlifters are able to handle heavier weights in blue gyms.
Different shades of blue in web design
Dark blue
Dark blue is often used for websites that want to be seen as powerful and safe. It also symbolises knowledge, integrity, seriousness, masculinity and expertise.Light blue
Light blue symbolises health, healing, tranquillity, understanding and softness.Pale blue
Pale blue gives an ethereal sense to the website and often symbolises delicate, calming, health, healing, tranquillity and understanding.Royal blue
Royal blue, like its name, gives a regal and superior feel to websites that use this colour. It also symbolises richness and sometimes cool aloofness.
On the other hand, dark blue often represents depth, expertise, stability, credibility (especially with gold), intellect, wisdom, corporate color, warmth, knowledge, power, integrity, seriousness, knowledge, health, decisiveness, law, order, logic, dependability and serenity.
Using blue with other colours
Blue with red, orange or yellow
High impact designs can be created with combinations of blue, red and yellow. Add in a dash of blue to cool down a hot red or orange scheme. The high contrast of putting blue and yellow together is sure to grab the attention of visitors.Blue with pastel colours
In combination with shades of pink and pale yellow, the feeling of spring’s wonderful possibilities is created.
Aqua, a tone of cyan, is another shade of blue. It gives one the feeling of freshness, pristine, vigour, movement, drama, confidence, strength, individualism, eccentricity, light heartedness, fearlessness and festivity.Blue with green
When you use both the colours blue and green, one gets a sense of natural peace and tranquillity. Its gentle and soothing, earthly palette gives you the feeling of being transported to a green meadow under a vast blue sky with nearby waterfalls to calm your fears.Blue with light brown, tan or beige
Sky blue and robin egg blue (also known as eggshell blue) when combined with neutral light brown, tan or beige is an environmentally friendly colour combination.Blue with white
Dark blue with white creates a fresh, crisp and nautical feel to the website. And the colour combination of red, white and blue is a patriotic color scheme for many countries.Blue with metallic silver or grey
The use of dark blue with metallic silver accents provides an elegant and rich appearance. If you prefer an understated elegance, try using grey instead.
SOURCE: Onextrapixel