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The Do’s and Don’ts of Facebook Pages
Here is some solid advice on the do’s and don’ts of a Facebook Page.
- Keep posts short and sweet – Posts with less than 100 characters get more engagement.
- Answer questions and respond to posts – Respond to your followers and be personal.
- Ask questions and ask for feedback – The best posts on Facebook pages tend to be questions. Ask them often and listen to what your followers are saying.
- Participate in the conversation – Customers appreciate business owners who take interest.
- Provide helpful links – Be sure to help educate your fans, not just promote your products.
- Follow thought leaders – Find people in your niche and follow them. Make sure to interact with them and their followers.
- Run promotions – Offer specials, coupons and limited time offers.
- Keep customers informed – If your shop’s going to be closed, let your customers know ahead of time. If you’re an online company, keep people informed of outages that may be coming or have occurred.
- Post photos – If you’re a local company, post pictures of your business and employees. People love to recognise someone around town or in your store that they saw online.
- Say “Thank You” – Thank your followers and fans often. Make them the centre of your focus.
- Overpost – Only post as often as you can get good engagement.
- Self promote excessively – Follow the 90/10 rule: 90% of your posts should be fun and informative, 10% can be promotion.
- Use bad grammar – Make sure you don’t have any grammar errors or typos in your posts. The “Grammar Police” won’t forgive you!
- Be shy – This is your opportunity to speak directly to your customers. Be outgoing and engaging.
- Talk politics or religion – Have your opinions, yes. But you’ll run off over half your potential customers if you take a stand on political or religious issues. So choose your words wisely.
- Respond hastily – Remember your messages are public. Well thought out and correct answers are vital.
- Badmouth competitors – Don’t air your opinions about your competitors on social media. It just makes you look immature.
- Share secrets – You don’t have to tell everyone all of your business secrets. Some things need to stay in house and not be aired on social media. Plus, if you share every problem you have, your customers will lose faith in you and your product.
Follow these tips wisely! Your reputation depends on you using social media the right way!
SOURCE: Post Planner
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The Do’s and Don’ts of Facebook Pages
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