The Importance of a Business Card
In a business networking, there is possibly no more important marketing material than a business card. A business card tells your potential clients about your business and this is your chance to stick in someone’s mind after you have left.
A memorable and classy business card is going to keep getting your company attention, long after you have left. This ensures that your company name will be spread around and talked about.
A business card also provides vital information to your client, i.e. your contact information, your position in the company, your company name and perhaps even a bit about your company. All of this is extremely important for your client (or potential client) to know.
Apart from the information on the business card, you should also think about the design of the card. The design of the business card says something about your company as well. So you should think long and hard about what pictures or logos you should put on the business card.
You should certainly include your company logo, which goes hand in hand with your brand. Any photos that you put on, should have something to do with the company or the nature of your business. As a general rule, don’t include a picture of yourself, unless it’s essential to your business.
What you should take away from this article is that your business card is your brand. It represents you and your company, and is often the only thing that people you meet have to remember you by.
If you are on the edge of trying to decide whether business cards really have a place in today’s green and digital society, the answer is that they do!
Business cards are vital to any business’ first meeting. If your client hands you a business card and you do not have one to offer, what does this tell them about your business? Better to play it safe in the business world and come prepared with a pack of cards.
SOURCE: Tiny Prints
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