The Pros and Cons of a Single Page Website
Single page websites are rapidly becoming extremely popular. It is the latest trend these days, which has become quite prominent. Designed originally for online portfolios, the use of single page websites has risen sharply from commercial – as well as social ads – to much more focused business and services. So it’s important to know the secret behind this rising popularity.
This latest format of building a website helps the owners of the websites to check their audience and know about their tastes and preferences and hence improve the users’ experience accordingly.
Owning a website, you need to know that it’s not only made for you. Your opinion is definitely important but, in case your website is not user friendly, you need to really stop doing business online. You need to clearly understand that the client is the focus and you need to keep them really happy.
User experience of a single page website
The working speed of any website is a very important factor which affects the experience of the users. Nobody likes waiting for long. It’s not a good sign to lose a visitor on your website just because you can’t offer them faster speed. But when it comes to the web, these few seconds can cost your website a lot.
This is where a single page website design has the advantage compared to the multi pages variants. The single web pages load faster and they have a very simple structure, compared to the conventional ones.
Simplicity matters a lot in the case of the single page websites. Thinking about the design of a single page website, you need to consider the limited space that is available on the website, as well as the arrangement of content.
It’s quite obvious that single page websites aren’t a good choice for large scale corporations, which need multi page websites in order to accommodate large quantity of data.
Obviously, the time for loading is longer and also the maintenance of the multi-page website takes much more effort. But this does not mean that you would take the risk of sacrificing your successful and ready-made website just because you wish to adopt the latest trend. Just think twice before taking a decision for rebuilding your website. It is quite a difficult task.
In case you’re already worried about whether a single page website would not be able to fulfill your requirements or vice versa, then you need to first determine your purpose of getting a website built.
Usability of a parallax website design
It is required at one place. The visitors on the website would definitely like to watch some videos, listen to some audios, check out the images located on a single page website rather than doing the similar kind of actions on its multi pages variant. A user does not have to go through hundreds of pages searching for the required content. By clicking on the single page website’s menu options, the website would automatically take you down to the desired area. This is also one of the positive features of the single page websites. The number of clicks is reduced to a minimum.
So, it’s time to do some scrolling. There are a number of single page website designs which have a wonderful appearance due to the parallax effect. The parallax scrolling is not the only way of browsing a website. Along with a picturesque web design, appropriate images, video and audio accompaniment, parallax is an all-time means for engaging visitors and also for diverting their attention towards one or another topic.
Becoming a significant part of the storytelling process, this wonderful effect transforms a simple visit to the website to an exciting and atmospheric adventure. Irrespective of the aim of the single page website with parallax, it’s completely worth scrolling down till it reaches the end.
But you need to be very careful, since it’s not recommended to construct a single page website just for parallax, which looks amazingly cool. You might unnecessarily just overload the representative of your business online.
The parallax effect would also influence the functioning of the single page website. So there’s a dilemma whether the parallax effect is really required for making a single page websites look fancy, or it may be neglected for relieving the mobile versions.
Another very good reason which favours the choice of single page websites is mobile friendliness. Each and every person related to the design of a website, knows very well the importance of a responsive web design. This thinking took the mobile devices to a similar level with desktops or maybe even more, altered the priorities of web designers and developers, who started thinking in completely different directions. Technologies change very quickly. It is possible that in few years time we might not witness even one desktop.
There’s absolutely no secret about the fact that browsing the web on smartphones or tablets is quite handy, as well as practical, compared to the old times desktops domination. Responsiveness is an important factor for increasing the amount of visitors on single page websites. The users would definitely enjoy – as well as appreciate – a perfectly adaptable, mobile or tablet version of your web page.
Definitely, a multi page website may also be responsive. So what is the difference? It’s all about the effort. The simpler the design, the easier it is to adjust to the resolutions of the mobile’s screen.
SOURCE: Acodez
Even a single-page website can bring in new clients. All you need is: a) an irresistible background photo b) some basic info c) links to your social media channels. Need a professional looking website?