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Tools to Generate Colour Palettes

While the web is rich in various tools that are intended to improve workflow or enhance the functionality of a project, there are just some valuable tools that are oriented at colouring.

Unfortunately, this constituent receives scant attention, even despite the studies that prove colours play a significant role in creating a successful theme or product. They influence human perception of the interface and even have an impact on the decision-making process.

Colour theory and psychological aspect of every shade, of course, is a huge topic to discuss.

You can use either galleries or generators to quickly create a fitting colour scheme for your design.

Colour palette galleries are collections created by either human designers or algorithms. If you don’t have a huge knowledge on color theory this is probably the better choice.

Colour palette generators allow you to manually design a palette. You usually have to handle a colour wheel and calculate colour-related metrics such as hue, contrast, lightness and others.

Click on the button below to discover some of the best colour palette generator tools.

Tools to Generate Colour Palettes

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