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Useful Facebook Statistics for a More Engaging Facebook Page

While the best time to post on Facebook is definitely important, there are some other things to keep in mind. So what kind of strategies work best for Facebook pages to increase interaction? Here they are.

1. Photo posts get 93 per cent more interaction

Not only do photo posts get more engagement than links, videos or text-based updates, they actually account for 93 per cent of the most engaging posts on Facebook. If you have multiple images to share, you’d be better off putting them into a Facebook album than publishing separate photo posts.

2. Shorter posts get 23 per cent more interaction

Keeping your posts below 250 characters can get you 60 per cent more engagement than you might otherwise see. You can even get up to 66 per cent more engagement if you cut it down to less than 80 characters. So getting to the point quickly and concisely works best.

3. Using emoticons increases comments by 33 per cent

If you thought emoticons were only for teens, you might want to rethink that idea. Emoticons can make a big difference to your engagement rates. No only do posts with emoticons get 33 per cent more comments, they also get shared 33 per cent more often. Even better, they get liked 57 per cent more often than posts without emoticons as they tend to add a more human side to your communications.

4. Engagement rates on Thursday and Friday are 18 per cent higher

Compared to other days in the week, engagement rates for Facebook are 18 per cent higher on Thursdays and Fridays. This because the less people want to be at work, the more they are on Facebook.

5. Question posts get 100 per cent more comments

If comments are the kind of interaction you’re after, questions might be the way to go. Questions get 100 per cent more comments than standard text-based posts. Most popular questions words being “should”, “would”, “which” and “who”.

6. 35 per cent of Facebook fans like a page so they can participate in contests

If you’re chasing down new fans, a contest seems like a fairly good way to encourage likes. 35 per cent of Facebook fans liked Facebook pages specifically to compete in contests. Contests obviously solicit interaction by asking for people to enter. It turns out this can work, as “caption this photo”-style contests actually bring in 5.5 times more comments than regular posts.

7. 42 per cent of fans like a page to get a coupon or discount

42 per cent of Facebook fans like a page in order to get a discount or coupon. Coupon-based campaigns receive the highest engagement rates. Giveaways and sweepstakes come in just behind coupons as highly engaging post types.

SOURCE: Buffer

Useful Facebook Statistics for a More Engaging Facebook Page

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