Why You Must Have a Mobile-Friendly Website
Google penalises websites that are not optimised for mobile devices. But aside from avoiding punishment from Google, what are the other top reasons to create a mobile-friendly website?
1. Attract more users
There are more and more mobile users than ever before. This is especially true for online shoppers. According to a recent report, most impulse buys are usually from tablet users.
But how do you catch their attention in the first place? Often, people prefer information presented to them in a quick and easy format. In other words, make sure that your website is easy to navigate, even on mobile devices. This way, visitors will stay on your website for longer.
2. Boost your website speed
Mobile gadgets just don’t have the same memory and energy capacity as their laptop and desktop counterparts – though they are catching up fast. This means, you’ll have to minimise the number of files in your website, so that it won’t take too much time to load on these portable devices.
So, if your website isn’t too large, then this reduces the loading time for your visitors, regardless of their device.
3. Improve user engagement
With a mobile-friendly website, you can include more mobile-specific features and tools. For instance, you can include a click-to-call button so that users can immediately get in touch with you, whenever necessary.
Another useful feature is a mapping function. This is especially useful if you have a local target audience who can use this tool to find your establishment faster.
4. Integration with offline media
Unlike laptops and desktop computers, mobile gadgets can be used for reading QR codes. A QR code is a matrix barcode that contains information that can be detected and used by mobile devices.
If you choose not to optimise your website, soon it will be obsolete. So, it is best to make it more mobile-friendly now, while the landscape is still evolving. This leaves you with more time to adjust to trends as they come up.
SOURCE: Crazy Domains
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