Why You Should Be Working With the Competition
For the first year of my freelancing career, I would follow other freelance designers on social media, mainly just to get inspiration. I usually looked at them as just another competitor and never thought that building connections with them could be beneficial to my business. Much less make me money. After a while, I figured out that this was the wrong approach.
Why you should work with other designers
Let me give you a few good reasons why you should consider partnering with other freelancers and designers.
1. Inspiration and experience
The first and most obvious reason to team up with other designers is for inspiration. When you work with other freelancers, you can learn from them in areas that you may not have as much experience in. They can learn from you in the same way. Whether it is a design trend you are not familiar with or a helpful tip for handling a troublesome client, other freelance designers can complement your skills. Especially when it comes time to complete a design gig.
2. Multiple ideas and designs
Sometimes we can get creative blocks when working on a fresh, custom design. When you work with other designers as a team, you have the opportunity to each create a design. Then you can compare multiple designs and concepts. This will help you come up with the best end result for your client and an amazing design.
3. Finish jobs faster
Now that you are working on your projects with multiple freelancers, you will be able to finish each project faster. The quicker you dish them out, the sooner you can move on to more work. The faster your service is for your client (without affecting quality), the more they will want to give you work or referrals.
4. Referrals
As freelance designers, we only have so many hours in a day to complete work. Therefore, we can’t always take on every project that comes our way.
When you have connections with other freelancers and communicate with them often, they will think of you first when they have to turn down a client. Instead of just saying NO to a prospect, they can give a referral and keep that person happy.
At the same time, you have just acquired a new client of your own! Just be sure to give your fellow designer a nice referral fee for their troubles.
5. Subcontractor work
Working as a subcontractor can be beneficial to those that don’t like constantly having to find new clients and then managing those clients.
Working with other freelancers as a subcontractor can provide you a steady stream of projects and allow you to focus on the actual design.
Another great benefit of working as a subcontractor is that you have the opportunity to work on projects you may have not been able to get on your own. Maybe you are used to taking on smaller, boring projects. Where as, as a subcontractor, your employer may be getting bigger, more enjoyable jobs. Find freelancers in a niche you want to work in and connect with them!
One downside to working as a subcontractor can be that you will have to provide a lower rate than you could charge a client directly. Remember that your employer has to make a profit as well off of every hour you work. If you have been charging low rates anyway, you may end up getting a raise when working for another freelancer who already charges a higher rate. Keep in mind the benefits of being a subcontractor when considering a lower rate, though.
If you enjoy managing clients and projects, consider subcontracting other freelancers yourself. This is a great way to grow your design business to new levels.
6. Other connections
For every connection you make, you are opening the doors to their network, as well. Sometimes it can be all about who you know. The more freelancers you know, the more opportunities will come your way.
Continue to gain connections and you will make more through each and every one.
7. Other freelancers = More services to offer
Sometimes services in the design world can mesh with tasks like coding, product development and marketing. It’s great to have other freelancers in your network who you can provide to your client when they are in need of services outside of your knowledge. The more resourceful you are for your client, the longer they will stick around. Don’t lose them just because you don’t offer internet marketing. Connect them with someone who does and who can work side by side with your designs.
There is no shortage of reasons why connecting and working with other freelance designers is a benefit to your business. Nor is there a lack of tools out there to help you do it more efficiently. In the age of cloud computing and international client reach, forming mutually positive relationships is a necessity.
By Dylan Feltus